Kathy Cortes

Alief's comprehensive counseling program contains four components:
Helping all students develop basic life skills in the areas of self confidence, motivation to achieve, decision making, effectiveness and responsible behavior.
Responsive Services
With preventive and remedial interventions the counselor works with student, parents and other professionals to move students toward resolution of their problems.
Individual Planning
Students are guided as they manage their educational and personal-social development.
System Support
School counselors consult with teachers and administrators on behalf of students, parents and staff.
What are Counseling Groups?
Groups consist of several students near the same age who share a common concern. The counselor leads activities designed to help the children develop appropriate coping skills. Groups meet once a week over a period of 4 to 8 weeks. Some types of groups are:
Divorce Groups
Help students of divorce deal with changes in the family structure.
Grief Groups
Help students say good-bye to someone close to them. Students address their sadness and learn coping skills.
Alcoholism/Drug Abuse Groups
Teach students about the illness of addiction and its effect on the family. Students identify ways to survive living with addicted people.
Social Skills Groups
Help students find new ways to make and keep friends.
Conflict Resolution Groups
Teach techniques of listening, clarifying issues and planning for peaceful resolution of conflict.
Self-Esteem Groups
Teach students to identify their own abilities and potential. Students learn the importance of their contribution to the school environment.
Anger Control Groups
Children learn how to be proactive as opposed to reactive in their life experiences at school.

What is Individual Counseling?
Individual counseling supports students in crisis and those having unique issues unable to be addressed in groups. Individual counseling usually happens once a week. The number of sessions varies. Individual counseling should be viewed as a short term teaching and support service rather than therapy. If you would like your child to participate in a counseling group, or if your child needs individual counseling please call LeNetra Smith at (713) 272-3220 to get information on how to give your written consent for counseling. Despite denial of permission, your child will still participate in all other counseling related services such as: classroom instruction, school-wide activities and crisis intervention.
Contact the Counselor:
Bush Elementary (713)272-3220
Kathy Cortes ext. 20464